Data Sheet

Lamons Hydrogen Solutions

Lamons CorrLock gasket focuses on the reliability of maintaining a tight seal. An increase in reliability and safety leads to less downtime, improved operational efficiency, and significant cost savings. Dual seal gaskets are becoming more in-demand since they have been proven to provide a better seal than any other gaskets for hydrogen. Lamons has identified a special material with low permeability for hydrogen and with the Corrukamm design, it has provided a proven seal.

The New CorrLock™ Gasket

Lamons goal is to answer the call for a superior sealing gasket in the hydrogen market and set a new standard industry seal for engineering, procurement, and construction (EPCs) with the CorrLock. With our unique design and exceptional sealing, we are positioning ourselves to make this the leading gasket both technically and commercially.

In today’s climate, customers are being deeply driven by environmental, social, and (corporate) governance (ESG). Their main focuses are minimizing leaks, which means minimal downtime, and maximizing operational efficiency. EPCs are concerned with price and want to have gaskets specified into their plans but are currently using generic gaskets that meet existing industry standards. Our gaskets are going above and beyond the latest typical industry and environmental standards, setting a new standard for leak rates, performance, and temperature ratings, as well as reducing the possibility of seepage over time for transportation/pipelines and using a sealing material made up of PFAS-free solution.

The CorrLock was custom designed and engineered specifically with custom sealing material for hydrogen applications. Based on our Corrukamm profile, this is a trusted and proven design that performs well at critically low temperatures. Containing a redundant seal with different sealing material reduces common mode of failure and makes this one of the safer options currently on the market.

While other gaskets may cost customers up to $10 billion per year due to hydrogen leaks, the CorrLock can cut costs associated with leaks to 10% or less than that, while adding an extra layer of safety at the same time. Immense cost savings, superior sealing technology, and increased safety make the CorrLock like no other.


  • Hydrogen hubs and valleys
  • Industrial gas applications
  • Critical sealing services
  • Transportation and pipelines
  • OEM manufacturers of electrolyzers


  • Seal Element: CorruKamm with Proprietary Thermo-Plastic sealing material
  • Pressure Class: Class 150-2500 (150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, 2500), or custom if needed
  • Size Range: ½” to 20”
  • Temperature Range: -253°C (-423°F) to 260°C (500°F)
  • Secondary Kammprofile sealing area faced with Flexible Graphite


See product sheet PDF.

To learn more about our products and services, visit or contact us at [email protected] to connect with an industry expert in quality safety sealing and attachment solutions.

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